
30 2022

Red Cross Blood Drive

10:00AM - 4:00PM  

Simon Family JCC 5000 Corporate Woods Drive
Suite 100
Virginia Beach, VA

Contact Brian Berusch
Director of Marketing

UJFT/JCC is proud to partner with the American Red Cross and be a part of all they do for our community, our country and around the world. Our blood drive is important to patients in need, but the collection and distribution of blood is just a small part of all the Red Cross does. The enormity of what the Red Cross accomplishes every day is astounding and this is one of the reasons we chose them as one of our core community outreach partners.

  •  The Red Cross - needs to collect more than 13,000 blood donations and more than 2,500 platelet donations each day.
  •  The blood collected by the Red Cross helps millions of patients in over -2,500 hospitals and other facilities across the country.
  •  84 percent of blood donations are given at blood drives - hosted by sponsoring organizations like ours from people like you! 

At UJFT/JCC, we are proud to hold blood drives every year in partnership with the Red Cross, giving us all an opportunity to make a difference.