October H8te
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October H8te
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Are we entering a New Era? Israe...
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Community Memorial Day Event
These core values are the foundation of JCRC's mission and vision, informing our work in pursuit of a just society and secure Jewish future.
We protect the life and dignity of every person, and work to ensure dignity and justice for all people irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental diisability.
"In a free society, only some may be guilty but all are responsible." (Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel). Each time we stand up for an ideal, or act to improve the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves, voicing the Jewish community's concern on critical issues in the public sphere, we demonstrate a commitment to solidarity with others.
One of the most central tenets of Judaism is to pursue justice. More than merely respecting or following justice, we must actively pursue it. The repetition of the word "justice" emphasizes the centrality of this value in our religious consciousness and behavior, both traditionally and today.
We work to improve the world, one relationship at a time. Many experiences in life threaten to break us. But such experiences also make us more whole as human beings. They expand our range of consciousness and compassion. They enlarge our capacity for inclusion. They make us stronger and help us reach out to others with greater empathy and concern.
The Jewish approach includes recognizing that there are multiple sides of an issue, being open to hearing views that are not our own, and grappling with complexity.
We advocate for Jewish community interests while collaborating with other faith, ethnic, and emerging communities who share our goals.
We keep peace with our neighbors by building strong relationships, promoting mutual respect and fostering understanding.
We mobilize the community when Jews anywhere are in need of our support. We are many Jewish communities bound together by shared values, history, religion, and culture.
The ancient yearning of the Jewish people to return to their historic land of Israel culminated in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 after nearly 2000 years of exile. We support Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. We support strong US-Israel relations.
Contact Robin Mancoll, Senior Director, Jewish Community Relations Council of the UJFT, at RMancoll@ujft.org or (757)965-6120.