JCRC Resources

Cause and Effect Toolkit

Report Antisemitism

If you encounter anti-Semitism, hate, bigotry or discrimination, there are people and organizations to contact no matter where you live, work or study


Campus Guide

Hillel has compiled a comprehensive guide about campuses in order to help you find and explore vibrant Jewish campuses.


Campus Organizations and Resources

Almost every campus in North America has organizations, groups, and resources for pro-Israel and Jewish students. Here is a list of organizations that support Jewish students on campus in various ways.


Campus Trends Report

An analysis of Israel-related activity on U.S. college campuses during the 2015-2016 academic year and a look at trends facing the pro-Israel community in the school year ahead.


How to Discuss Israel

Answering tough questions about Israel


Get Educated About BDS

BDS initiatives are increasingly pervasive, especially on college campuses. To counter them, use your network.

Israel, Advocacy, Education, Organizations

Calendar of Major Jewish Holidays

This printable calendar details all major Jewish holidays for six years, and includes an explanation for each. So as not to penalize students or workers for their religious observance, we ask that scheduling of events, tests, preparation for exams, assignments, assemblies, sports events, etc. on Jewish holidays, the Jewish Sabbath be avoided, or if such dates cannot be avoided, that consideration be given to the affected Jewish persons for reasonable opportunity for makeups.


School & Workplace Accommodations for the Jewish High Holidays (ADL)

Guidance for students and teachers who need accommodations for religious observance. 


Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (Jinsa)

JINSA was founded in 1976 as a non-profit, non-partisan organization to advocate on behalf of a strong U.S. military, a robust national security policy and a strong U.S. security relationship with Israel and other like-minded democracies. 


Stand with Us 

StandWithUS is dedicated to informing the public about Israel and to combating the extremism and anti-Semitism that often distorts the issues. We work by supporting people around the world who want to educate their own local campuses and communities about Israel. 


BlueStar PR

BlueStar is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering the next generation of Israel advocates and leaders.

Media Watch

Committee for Accuracy in the Middle East Reporting in America 



HonestReporting monitors the news for bias, inaccuracy, or other breach of journalistic standards in coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It also facilitates accurate reporting for foreign journalists covering the region. HonestReporting is not aligned with any government or political party or movement.


The Israel Project

The Israel Project (TIP) is a non-profit educational organization that provides factual information about Israel and the Middle East to the press, policy-makers and the public.


American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)  

AIPAC is a 100,000-member grassroots movement of activists committed to ensuring Israel’s security and protecting American interests in the Middle East and around the world.  AIPAC’s priority is to ensure that both America and Israel remain strong and that they collaborate closely together.


American Jewish Committee (AJC)
American Jewish Committee stands up for Israel’s right to exist in peace and security; confronts antisemitism, no matter the source; and upholds the democratic values that unite Jews and our allies around the world. From college campuses to world capitals, AJC works with leaders at the highest levels to support Israel and combat surging antisemitism, and we leverage strategic communications to educate, counter misinformation, and shape public opinion.


American Jewish World Service (AJWS)

Inspired by Judaism’s commitment to justice, American Jewish World Service works to realize human rights and end poverty in the developing world.


Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

The Anti-Defamation League fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry in the U.S. and abroad through information, education, media, law enforcement, educators and the public. 




Campus Resources

The David Project 

The David Project positively shapes campus opinion on Israel by educating, training, and empowering student leaders to be thoughtful, strategic and persuasive advocates. We are guided by a commitment to provide students and adults with the knowledge, strategies and skills to ensure that effective support for Israel thrives on campuses and in our communities.


Birthright Israel

The vision of Taglit-Birthright Israel is to strengthen Jewish identity, Jewish communities and solidarity with Israel by providing a 10-day trip to Israel for young Jewish people.


Israel on Campus Coalition

The Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) works to empower the network of national Israel supporters, to engage leaders at colleges and universities around issues affecting Israel, and to create positive campus change for Israel.

Where to Begin

Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA)

The national umbrella organization for all Community Relations Council and its mission is to serve as the representative voice of the organized American Jewish community in addressing the principal mandate of the Jewish community relations field. 


Israel Action Network (IAN)

New initiative between JFNA and the JCPA to help communities better combat Israel delegitimization efforts, specifically the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.


Israel 21c

ISRAEL21c is an online news magazine offering the single most diverse and reliable source of news and information about 21st century Israel to be found anywhere.


Jewish National Fund

Jewish National Fund was established more than 100 years ago by a small group of leaders, including Theodor Herzl. By purchasing plots of land, they hoped to establish the groundwork for the birth of our nation of Israel. JNF continues to make a commitment to the land and people in the 21st century.


Zionist Organization of America

Founded in 1987, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States. With offices around the country and in Israel, the ZOA is dedicated to educating the public, elected officials, media and college/high school students about the truth of the ongoing and relentless Arab war against Israel. ZOA is also committed to promoting strong U.S.-Israel relations.


The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities

The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities works with schools, businesses, and communities to achieve success through inclusion.