Asking questions and a lifelong pursuit of knowledge is part of the fabric of Jewish life; here we call this 'Jewish Innovation.'





Konikoff Center for Learning


The Konikoff Center for Learning (KCL) is Tidewater’s hub for experiential Jewish education and engagement of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC. These are high-impact learning experiences that include programs, classes, workshops, and symposiums that span generations and interests. KCL engages, educates, equips, and inspires individuals to deepen their Jewish knowledge and connection.


Upcoming KCL Events




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Programs Inclusivity

Thanks to the generous support of the Bartel Family, in honor of their parents and grandparents, Alan & Dolores Bartel, the following accessibility accommodations are available for these community programs (depending on the program location). Accommodations must be requested at least a week prior to the event.


Accomodations can be requested during the registration process, and include:


  • Closed captioning services for online programming
  • Interpreting services for Deaf or non-English speakers
  • Assisted listening services to amplify sounds
  • Preferential seating near a presenter to aid in comprehension
  • Sensory fidget tools
  • Noise-reducing headphones
  • Stand-assist devices
  • Audio recording of written materials for the visually impaired 


The Florence Melton School of Jewish Learning in Tidewater engages adult learners in a life-enhancing study of Jewish texts and ideas that nurtures and deepens Jewish community. Through classes (both in-person and online) and travel seminars, Melton learners find Jewish texts and ideas accessible and relevant to their lives. They become part of a worldwide movement of committed learners who are empowered to enrich Jewish life.

Melton is the largest pluralistic adult Jewish education network in the world, with 50 Melton communities throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and South Africa. More than 50,000 learners have experienced Melton’s professionally developed curriculum and lively interactive classes.

Inventor and activist Florence Zacks Melton z”l (1911-2007) envisioned and endowed The Florence Melton Institute in 1986 as a project of the Melton Centre at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She sought to bring to life a comprehensive and sophisticated program of Jewish learning for adults. To this day, Melton attributes its values of accessibility, open-mindedness, integrity, community, and innovation to her enduring vision.


Upcoming Melton Courses










Contact Sierra Lautman, Director of Jewish Innovation,at or (757) 965-6107.