
24 2024

Com­mu­ni­ty One Read in Hon­or of Dr. Ruth

1:00PM - 2:00PM  

Contact Hunter Thomas
Director, Arts + Ideas

Com­mu­ni­ty One Read in Hon­or of Dr. Ruth with Alli­son Gilbert and Lori Gottlieb

When Sur­geon Gen­er­al Vivek Murthy sound­ed the alarm that lone­li­ness ​“rep­re­sents an urgent pub­lic health con­cern” — exac­er­bat­ed by social media overuse, the resid­ual effects of the pan­dem­ic, and the lack of mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships — trust­ed ther­a­pist Dr. Ruth K. Wes­t­heimer knew that her unique per­spec­tive and exper­tise could help. Long beloved for break­ing stig­mas around sex­u­al prob­lems, Dr. Ruth made it her mis­sion to help indi­vid­u­als break free from the bonds of hope­less­ness and iso­la­tion. With 100 con­crete and inno­v­a­tive oppor­tu­ni­ties that can be put to use imme­di­ate­ly, The Joy of Con­nec­tions isn’t only an action-ori­ent­ed guide­book on over­com­ing lone­li­ness from one of the most well-respect­ed ther­a­pists of our time; it’s also the vital kick in the pants we all need in order to start seek­ing — and find­ing — deep and last­ing human connections.

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Former Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival and Konikoff Center for Learning guest, Alli­son Gilbert, is an Emmy Award-win­ning jour­nal­ist and one of the most influ­en­tial writ­ers and speak­ers on how to find the inner resources to over­come life’s biggest chal­lenges. Through research and lived expe­ri­ence, Alli­son helps audi­ences trans­form grief and loss, man­age care­giv­ing and chron­ic ill­ness, and find con­nec­tion amid the grow­ing pub­lic health cri­sis of social iso­la­tion and lone­li­ness. She is co-author of Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s final book, The Joy of Con­nec­tions: 100 Ways to Beat Lone­li­ness and Live a Hap­pi­er and More Mean­ing­ful Life. She previously spoke to UJFT's audience about her book Listen, World!: How the Intrepid Elsie Robinson Became America's Most-Read Woman

Lori Got­tlieb is a psy­chother­a­pist and New York Times best­selling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Some­one, which has sold over two mil­lion copies and is cur­rent­ly being adapt­ed as a tele­vi­sion series star­ring Kris­ten Bell. In addi­tion to her clin­i­cal prac­tice, she is co-host of the pop­u­lar ​“Dear Ther­a­pists” pod­cast and writes The Atlantic​’s ​“Dear Ther­a­pist” advice col­umn.

You can pur­chase The Joy of Con­nec­tions here. You can pur­chase Maybe You Should Talk to Some­one here

Sponsor: Presented by UJFT's partner organization, the Jewish Book Council, in partnership with UJFT and other JBC Network member sites